Threat Intelligence
Threat Intelligence for URL Security: rates the risk level of URLs on a scale from 0 to 5, evaluating and mitigating potential risks.
Threat Intelligence for URL Security: rates the risk level of URLs on a scale from 0 to 5, evaluating and mitigating potential risks.
Comprehensive Data Analysis for URL Safety: uncovers relationships between domains and observes the safety evolution of domains over time.
Comprehensive Data Analysis for URL Safety: uncovers relationships between domains and observes the safety evolution of domains over time.
Customizable Risk Assessment: customizes the calculus of risk to enhance the accuracy of your risk assessments.
Customizable Risk Assessment: customizes the calculus of risk to enhance the accuracy of your risk assessments.
The Threat Intelligence service can be accessed in three ways:
In the user interface of the AdSecure platform for routine spot checks.
Via API to automate your risk assessment process.