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AdSecure’s TAG Membership: Increasing trust and transparency in digital advertising

By Guandi

September 19, 2023

06 Ad Secure’s Tag Membership Increasing Trust and Transparency in Digital Advertising

In the ever-evolving landscape of ad tech, ensuring brand safety and trustworthiness has become paramount to increasing trust and transparency in digital advertising- In fact, in our latest AdSecure Violation Report, we detected an increase of 55.1% in cybercriminal activity in quarter 2 2023! So, continuing to strengthen security measures to keep the end user safe is paramount and Ad Networks and Publishers alike, who strive to maintain the integrity of their campaigns, protect their reputation, and provide consumers with a secure and pleasant online experience. This is where the Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG) steps in, setting rigorous standards and initiatives to combat ad fraud, malware, and other digital advertising challenges. AdSecure is a leading ad verification solution committed to fostering a safer digital advertising ecosystem and helping Ad Networks and Publishers with useful resources on how to protect their online brands against malvertising. As such, we are proud to continue being a member of TAG! Demonstrating our dedication to upholding the highest standards of transparency and accountability in the industry.

Why is AdSecure a member of TAG? Increasing trust and transparency in digital advertising

Wondering how to stop malvertising and bad ad quality? TAG is an industry-leading global initiative that brings together industry stakeholders to combat digital ad fraud, protect brand safety, and increasing trust and transparency in digital advertising. AdSecure’s solutions help Publishers keep websites free from malvertising, unsafe and non-compliant ad content such as Phishing scamsRansomwareScarewareAuto Downloads and such. We also help Ad Networks to automate compliance tasks and assist teams to drive high quality ad delivery, meet industry standards and be free of malvertising, all in order to protect the end user and keep the online ecosystem safe. AdSecure’s TAG membership then signifies a commitment to continue following best practices and adhering to TAG's guidelines and initiatives. It also establishes a strong foundation for continuing to build trust among Advertisers, Publishers, and end users.

AdSecure's initiatives towards the TAG Membership: How to stop malvertising and bad ad quality

At AdSecure we have a strong commitment to not only provide our clients with the best ad security measures in order to protect their end users and online brand, but also we keep them up to date with malvertising scam numbers quarter by quarter as well as providing them with all of the best possible up-to-date information in our blog pages with resources on how to protect my online brand against malvertising and how to combat ad fraud with AdSecure. This ties in perfectly with being a member of TAG and its initiatives:

#1 Commitment to transparency and accountability: Being transparent and accountable is crucial for businesses, as it helps build trust, maintain ethical standards, and foster long-term success. This is especially important for solutions like AdSecure, which plays a leading role in combating online fraud, malware, and a lack of transparency in the industry. Companies and individuals can access the TAG Registry to screen and qualify potential partners, ensuring their authenticity. TAG's proprietary team conducts background checks on each member of the TAG Community to verify their true identities.

#2 Promoting ad verification standards: AdSecure has consistently been a pioneer in ad verification technology for many years now. Through TAG working groups' events, which gather thought leaders across the industry, members engage in discussions and collaborations concerning emerging threats, technologies, and procedures. This ensures that all members are well-informed about best practices in combating cybercriminals and that our ad verification solutions adhere to TAG's rigorous standards for detecting and preventing ad fraud and malware.

#3 Collaboration and information sharing: By continuing to be a TAG member, AdSecure is dedicated to collaborating with other industry stakeholders to share insights, best practices, and data to identify emerging threats and vulnerabilities. We believe that collective action and collaboration towards a better and safer internet experience is key to addressing the challenges faced by the digital advertising ecosystem.

What the TAG Membership means for AdSecure clients

For Ad Network and Publisher clients interested in how to combat ad fraud with AdSecure: Our pursuit of the TAG Membership reinforces once again our commitment to increasing trust and transparency in digital advertising by providing top-tier ad verification services. It represents a strong confirmation that our clients can continue to trust our solutions to not only meet, but in fact exceed industry standards for ad compliance and brand safety, at all times. As TAG members, we will continue to invest in research, technology, and partnerships to stay ahead of emerging threats and ensure the integrity of digital advertising campaigns, promoting a safer and optimum navigation experience for the end user.

Increasing trust and transparency in digital advertising

So, how to protect my online brand against malvertising? Are you an Ad Network or a Publisher looking to strengthen your ad compliance, quality and security measures or wondering how to stop malvertising and bad ad quality? AdSecure is your best possible ally to help you increasing trust and transparency in digital advertising! With the AdSecure system you can monitor and protect your ad tech supply chain against bad ads and malvertising scams, flagging any ads that could cause security or quality concerns for you and your online brand. Why not register for an AdSecure account today? You will gain a closer look at the work we're doing to facilitate the evolution of the ad tech industry in a secure and welcoming environment!

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