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How to prevent malvertising with AdSecure’s new RTB Integration

31 How to Prevent Malvertising With Ad Secure’s New Rtb Integration

How to prevent malvertising in the programmatic advertising ecosystem. This is a common question from ad servers and publishers. Now it is possible with AdSecure’s 360 degree monitoring and protection from malvertising and poor quality ads is now available for programmatic ad servers and publishers in order to detect and prevent malvertising, non-compliant and poor quality ads for safe programmatic ad serving.

How to prevent malvertising: Clean Programmatic Advertising

According to Economic Times, programmatic now makes up 72% of all digital display advertising, and this percentage is expected to continue to grow over the forthcoming years. Among several types of programmatic media buying, Real-time bidding (RTB), also known as open auction or open marketplace, is now one of the most popular within the ad tech industry. However it is also subject to cyber criminals injecting malicious ad campaigns into the RTB supply chain putting publishers and end users at risk from potential threats. Additionally allowing non compliant and low quality ads to be shown on publisher sites. 

As most of AdSecure's clients are ad platforms that work with supply and demand partners on a daily basis, we have received many requests asking AdSecure to support XML integration, so clients can effectively control the quality of their third-party demand partners. This ensures that they serve clean programmatic ads, and maintain strong business relationships with their publisher partners. AdSecure has addressed this problem and has developed this new XML integration feature, to support more and more clients who work in the programmatic ecosystem to ensure ad security, compliance and ad quality is available to all programmatic platforms.

How to prevent malvertising with AdSecure’s new RTB Integration

How to prevent Malvertising with AdSecure’s new RTB integration 

It is imperative to check every programmatic ad being served on your platform for malvertisement and potentially suspicious activities from existing or new third-party demand partners. Using AdSecure to regularly scan your RTB feeds will allow you to effectively monitor your DSPs ad quality and ad performance, filtering out malicious ads and unsafe/inappropriate content. Ultimately, the integration can help you:

  • Avoid compliance issues from your publisher partners for serving bad ads to their end users
  • Identify problematic DSPs and make informed decisions
  • Strengthen your brand reputation to build trust with your partners
  • Serve good-quality ads to the end users to bring higher conversion rates and increased revenues
  • Be a leading contributor to a cleaner and safer programmatic business ecosystem

Supported Formats

Currently XML/JSON feeds are supported. OpenRTB will be supported in the near future.  RTB analysis is similar to AdSecure’s standard analysis, the difference is that when AdSecure scans an RTB feed URL with the placeholders already filled in, it will pull the clickUrl or redirectUrl inside the feed URL. Then analyze it in exactly the same way that AdSecure works with a normal campaign URL by following the redirection paths from the ad creative’s URL to the campaign’s landing page URL.

How to integrate AdSecure into your feeds?

The integration is very easy! Since RTB analyses are done programmatically (via an API) you will need to configure your environment to use the AdSecure API. AdSecure clients can generate their API key in their profile settings, under the API Integrations tab. If you are wondering how to prevent malvertising, and you are not yet an AdSecure user, we offer a free 14 day trial, so sign up for an account to get your API key and test the integration.

After obtaining your API key, read our API Quickstart Guide and our First Analysis Guide, both are necessary in order to get set up successfully. As the RTB integration is different from the standard analysis set up, you will need send a graphql query in order to create the RTB analysis type, just make sure your parameter supportingFormat is set to RTB, as shown in the code snippet below:


How to prevent malvertising with AdSecure’s new RTB Integration



How to prevent malvertising with AdSecure’s new RTB Integration


Once the analysis is finished, you can follow our Understanding Analysis Guide to check the resulting report. Click here for full documentation of RTB analyses.

If you have any questions regarding integrating AdSecure to your programmatic platform and how to prevent malvertising, please contact our support team at support@adsecure.com for further assistance. 

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