What does TrafficForce do?
What TrafficForce needed from AdSecure
Why they needed it
The outcome
As shown in the table, between January and March, there was a complete elimination of Browser locker, Phishing, and Malware attacks. TrafficForce was also happy to see a significant 67% decrease in Scareware, as well as a remarkable improvement in reducing Malicious URLs.
Apart from user security issues, AdSecure also alerts TrafficForce whenever there are poor user experience violations detected, such as Landing page error, Permission notifications, Back button hijack, and Auto-redirects. It’s worth noticing that by the end of the first quarter, Auto-redirect violations had decreased by 68%. The detections for poor user experience violations have helped TrafficForce to be able to identify and remove low quality ads.
These results show that AdSecure has effectively helped TrafficForce:
+ Maintain a high-quality digital ads environment that meets the industry standard
+ Keep end users engaging with their ad network are safe and satisfied.
+ Ensure great publishers’ site performance as well as revenue growth.
AdSecure continues to provide constant monitoring and protection for TrafficForce’s ad supply chain.