Ad Safety Solutions

Identify and eliminate malicious and poor-quality ads through our different solutions.

Active Monitoring

Active Monitoring

Comprehensive analysis and monitoring of ad campaigns within your ad network.


Active Monitoring ->

Ad Discovery

Ad Discovery

Automatically identifies advertisements on web pages, analyzing their redirects and landing pages with precision.


Threat Intelligence

Threat Intelligence

Provides insights into the violation activity and risk score associated with a specific URL.

Real-Time Blocking

Real-Time Blocking

Detects threats and blocks bad ads before they are displayed to the end user.


Real-Time Blocking ->

Content Classification

Content Classification

Classifies and eliminates offensive ads, identifies ad labels and detects fake logos. 


Content Classification ->

IAB Standards

IAB Standards

Measure ad performance against IAB industry standards to ensure compliance with Google guidelines.


IAB Standards ->

Simplified API automation

Empowered by GraphQL

Empowered by GraphQL

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One click away from automating your ad compliance tasks.